
Roger Roth

What to write? What would you like to know? For starters, I'm a native NYer. I do live in TriBeCa and there was a time that I surfed. I am the third member of my family to live on the street I live on now. When I'm excited I talk like I'm from Queens (think Joey Tribbiani). My love-hate affair with this city started as a child and has continued into the second round of living here. Honestly, I think it's the best place on earth You should visit. I'll give you information of what to see/do/eat and it won't involve Times Square. If you want to know anything else shoot me an email. Anyway this site is just a collection of moments; my moments. These are my stories (I know very Law and orderish.


Capture the Energy of City Life with Tribeca Surfer

Thank you for your interest in Tribeca Surfer! If you have any inquiries, requests, or would like to discuss a project, please feel free to reach out to me using the form below. I value your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.

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